Database Name Search
Teapot Genealogy has over 500,000 records sourced from multiple official archival documents (as listed below), many of which are unique.
You can search our database for just $5 per name (AUD includes GST). Payment is secured via PayPal. If there are no results for your name search you do not get charged.
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The original documents that form the basis of this database are as follows:
Convict Settlement on Norfolk Island;
The Forgotten; Children in Homes, Orphanages and Reformatories
Railways and Tramways Ambulance Corp 1886-1923;
Gold Receipts 1852-55 and Gold Delivered 1852-1856;
Iron'd Gangs, Scone Lockup Book and Prisoners employed and of Government Stock;
Convict Road Gangs, Road Parties and Iron'd Gangs 1827-1830;
Returns of Police NSW;
Commissions of Peace (Justices of the Peace);
Registers of prison staff, 1860-1923;
Index to Itineraries and Returns of the Commissioners of Crown Lands 1837-1849;
Registers of seamen who were discharged 1859-1916;
Leases of Auriferous Lands in NSW 1874-1953;
Index to miscellaneous records relating to the NSW gold fields in the 1800's.
Windsor Gaol Records 1831, 1838 & 1864-1899 ;
Bathurst Gaol Records 1831-1835 and 1841-1845;
Darlinghurst Gaol Records 1850-1854;
Goulburn Gaol Entrance Book 1847-1867; and
Berrima Gaol Entrance Book 1840-1842 and Description Book 1842-1847.
Court Records – Depositions from Supreme Court 1837
Court Records – Depositions from Supreme Court 1838
Court Records – Depositions from Supreme Court 1839
Prospecting Grants - Department of Mines 1888 - 1932
Miscellaneous Mining and Land records